A review of the Klohn Crippen Berger report: ‘Southern and Eastern Recharge Groundwater Sources: Literature Review and Recommended Recharge Rates’ (February 2020).

A review of the Klohn Crippen Berger report: ‘Southern and Eastern Recharge Groundwater Sources: Literature Review and Recommended Recharge Rates’ (February 2020).

Author: ABWUA/Thursday, July 23, 2020/Categories: Research

I understand Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd (KCB) were retained by the NSW Department of Industry, Planning and Environment (DPIE) to ‘conduct a literature review of published recharge mechanisms and collate existing estimates of recharge for the Great Artesian Basin (GAB), focusing on the Southern and Eastern Recharge Groundwater Sources in New South Wales’. As a result of their review, KCB recommended recharge volumes in the Southern and Eastern Recharge Groundwater Sources should be increased.

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